UU Common Read
Mistakes and Miracles
Summer Read
July 23rd & August 27th
Unitarian Universalists across our Association are grappling with a charge from the Commission on Institutional Change to dismantle white supremacy in ourselves, our communities and our wider world. The Commission’s 2020 report, Widening the Circle of Concern, affirms that multicultural congregations are on the rise and that progressive-minded people expect basic practices of equity, inclusion, and diversity that our congregations often lack. Many of us have been on the path toward multiculturalism for a long time, and yet we still have work to do together.
The 2022-23 UU Common Read, Mistakes and Miracles: Congregations on the Road to Multiculturalism (Skinner House Books, 2019), is co-authored by Nancy Palmer Jones and Karin Lin—a white minister and a lay person of color. It explores five UU congregations' journeys toward Beloved Community and shares the joy, disappointment, and growth that these congregations found along the way.
All are invited to participate in Summer UU Common Read, a multi platform discussion hosted by our Dismantling Racism group. Please read the first four chapters of the book by July 23rd and join us after the worship service and coffee hour at 11:45 to engage deeply with the stories of others who have chosen a faithful path and struggled along the way. We will read the last half of the book and discuss it on August 27th also after coffee hour.