Care Team
The Care Team views caring for each other as a spiritual practice that deepens connection between our community members. To that end, we have surveyed our members and friends about ways that they would be willing and able to assist each other. The Care Team meets on the 3rd Sunday of each month following the Worship Service.
The Care Team has a lending library of medical equipment. If you have any equipment you need to borrow or are willing to lend, please contact a Care Team member!
If you would like to offer your help, please complete the form below. If you have a need or are aware of a need in our community, please e-mail For pastoral care needs, please e-mail
We need to observe confidentiality in order to build trust and respect. Sometimes people feel secure when only a small number of people are aware of their situation, such as the minister and those who are providing assistance. Therefore, we will release information and make announcements specific to individuals only with their permission.
The Care Team has assembled a list of community resources, such as organizations that provide food assistance, transportation assistance, medical assistance, and much more.